Eco-Tech Vision Ltf. is the official IVECO dealer in Hungary.
A well-prepared, expert partner in the world of transport to serve businesses from the selection of the right new or used vehicle to professional maintenance and full service packages.
Our dedicated team builds on decades of professional experience to meet the new challenges of a sustainable future. We have chosen Iveco as our partner for this work because we all believe in a modern, flexible product offering, a reliable and long-term partnership.
From vehicle sales (both new and used vehicles), body building and sales, distribution of original spare parts, servicing and maintenance, personalised services, financing options and long-term rental packages, we are at our partners’ disposal. We also offer our partners constant support in optimising their workflow through our modern and network vehicles.
Because we care about the Earth! Iveco is at the forefront of environmentally conscious innovation, constantly working to minimise the environmental impact and ecological footprint of the industry while maintaining economical operations.
Expertise is important to us, so when selecting and building our team, professionalism and a knowledge and love of IVECO and the industry were key considerations. We are committed to providing high quality and professional customer service. For us, the Customer comes first!
The project was launched by professionals who have made a significant contribution to the commercial vehicle market in their respective fields over many decades, with a proven track record of success in their own businesses and professionalism. With knowledge from almost all areas of the industry, they have created a foundation that will ensure the success of the Eco-Tech Vision.
Founded Gelbmann Ltd. more than 30 years ago with the aim of providing reliable and state-of-the-art solutions to their customers. They have made professionalism and dedication their top priority in logistics and transport. They know exactly what a haulier needs in this field and are convinced that IVECO is the right partner to work with.
He has gained professional experience in various international positions and in the management of IVECO’s Hungarian companies in all areas of vehicle manufacturing, sales and services. His primary goal is to share this knowledge and experience, as well as his love for the IVECO brand, with an even wider audience, and to pass it on to colleagues and partners through the management of a successful company.
Zenit-Auto Rent Kft. is one of the most dynamically expanding long-term rental companies in Hungary. Its management and its entire team can be said to be dedicated to providing reassuring, reliable services to their clients in today’s modern world. They do this by providing the best possible turnkey solutions for their clients. It is also because of this purpose-driven approach to supporting these aspirations that they have joined the IVECO team!
He joined the team of Eco-Tech Vision Ltd. as one of the managers of the Eurowind and Steel-Truck Ltd. group. The superstructer manufacturing company he leads has been working with IVECO chassis for many years. They are committed to precisely designed vehicles, professional customer support and high quality. They provide constant guidance and support to their partners in the dynamically changing regulatory environment of the superstructure manufacturing industry.
We are at your service. Leave us your contact details: IVECO will contact you to find the solution that best suits your needs. Thank you!